Saturday, March 29, 2008

When the wife runs late.....

My DH (dear husband) decided him and I deserved a nice dinner out with out fabulous tax return this year. (I must thank Miss Amelia for this finical gain). I've been bugging him for months to go to Benenhana because I've never been. DH not being one for Sushi, I didn't think he'd like it much but he had been with co-workers before and enjoyed it, so he agreed. He gets off an hour and a half after me and therefore I had time to kill before I met him at dinner. Nana had the baby so I was in the clear. I piled my friend Kyla in the car and we headed to Target. We got out in time and as I was taking her back to her car, DH calls to see where I am.

"I'm dropping Kyla off and will be there in about 10 min."

"Where were you....?"

"Tarrrrget" BUT THE BABY NEEDED DIAPERS (and wipes, and a book, movie, smut (KATIE HOLMES HAS COLAPSED!_) It's an addiction people...

So I meet DH at dinner. As the chef is preforming his magic, Nick yells over everything "SO I FOUND THIS SURROUND SOUND SYSTEM AT BEST BUY WHILE I WAS WAITING FOR YOU"

Yes, it's my fault we are now in the poor house again people....MY fault because IIIIIIII was 10 min. late to dinner. So I said fine, we could go look at it after dinner, thinking we'd be too full to care. We walked out with the damn thing.

So happy early birthday to the husband. With baby at Nana's for the night, we will happily be watching The Mist, in Bluray, with surround sound. Ahh the life.....


Christie said...

Are ye typing this on your new laptop?

Miss Amelia Jane. said...

Funny you should ask....the 8 ball says "outlook not so good"

Christie said...

I knew it was a bad idea to trust those things. How's The Mist?