Monday, November 16, 2009

I have what Mommy calls...bangs...

Mommy went to see her old friend Salina to get her hair all pretty before Salina left for a few weeks to have her third baby, so I tagged along because Salina had heard all about me but never met me. I've been growing these bangs, but they were unruly and in my eyes all of the time. So Mommy and Salina tried to get me to sit on a boasted seat on the chair, but I was not having it. Mommy held me and Salina gave me a "side swept" look for my bangs. I like them a lot better now that they're not in my eyes and they look pretty. Mommy wouldn't let Salina touch the rest of my hair. And...mommy didn't cry!

1 comment:

Christie said...

What? No picture. Tsk, tsk. I'm trying to visualize but visions of boy hair keep cropping up.