Amelia had her dreaded 2 year check up today and while we thought we'd only be getting one shot, we walked out with 4, and having to go back 3 weeks for an additional booster. Yuck. She did display an impressive tantrum, this avoiding me having to share with the dr. we're in the terrible 2's. (crying, throwing ourselves on the floor, it was probably a top 5). I dislike that now that she talks and talks and talks, she can tell me they hurt. 2 in each leg, so the second leg bled pretty bad and since she'll point at it and in the most pathetic voice go "hurts mommmy". Mommy eats is up and takes all the snuggle time she needs. Although since the traumatic event little one has been sleeping (probably thanks to post shot Tylenol to help with "hurting") but her stats are amazing, and as follows:
Weight=25.6 pounds (mommy thought heavier!) 40% percentile but not worried because of her height
Height=35 1/2 in. (that's 3 feet people!) 90% percentile
Her head circumference never mattered to me, even though they wrote it down. So she's on the same trend she's been on since she was born, growin like a weed. Tonight we're supposed to be interviewing a daycare provider, but we'll judge how she's feeling when she wakes up and go from there. Can't get a good sense if they're a good "fit" unless she's feelin good!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Today...mommy got emotional.
4 hours, and 33 minutes, 2 years ago, I was "officailly" made a mommy. These past 2 years have been the most trying and rewarding of my life. While I want to write all about your accomplishments, it's late and we had one heck of a birthday party today. Mommy did so much planning to make it perfect for you and she thinks she did a pretty good job. A post will follow tomorrow, with pictures, I promise. But as you are sleeping so peacefully right now in your new big girl bed set, Mommy has a date with her pillow as well. Mommy loves you Miss Amels, and I couldn't be any more blessed to hear you say that to me every day I wake up :)
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Finally...a "floor will you please swallow me" mommy moment...
Yes, it happened to me. Hi my name is Megan..."HIiiii Megan". Amelia and I went to the Party Store to get some of her party supplies for next week. I figured this would need to be an in/out trip to avoid us walking out with more then we needed. I got Elmo cupcake holders for her cupcake cake and let her be in charge. Somehow, something was said, and ELMO CAKE was born...I let her hold the cupcake holders in the backseat as she jabbered away about elmo cake. Fast forward to the pit stop we had to make at Target. I have to take the cupcake holders away from her and this didnt go over well. Literally 7 min. through the store..."ELMO CAAAAAAAAAAAAKE". As if she would fall out of the cart and die if I didn't get her Elmo cake. People were staring, I was begging for the floor to swallow me. We then get to the food section because I feel if I make a damn cake she wouldn't know any different. She didn't want to hold the box...remember? ELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLMO CAKKKKKKKKE. So I'm thinking "animal crackers". She'll have her own little box and something in her mouth to distract the screaming, which I'm sure someone is on the phone with CSD at this point. Disaster strikes...I CANT FIND THE DAMN ANIMAL CRACKER BOXES. They're usually on end caps, can't find them. I find a store worker, who was having a bad day and asked where the animal crackers were. "down there with the rest of the crackers"...No shit I practically run down there and look frantically for the little boxes of heaven I know I need. ELMO CAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE. COOOOOOOOOOOKIES. I can't find them. I find the big, resealable bags instead. I grab one, tear the top off with my teeth and said "enjoy lunch Amelia." Animal cracker lunch it was...cake was made and ELMO CAKE hasn't been mentioned again....
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
As requested....
It's not the greatest, can't get the kid to smile when I want. So one picture is just blurry, and cute of her curls and the other you can kind of see the "side swept" bangs. Lastly, a picture of my new hair! You can't see it in the curls, but it's dark in there! I LOVE it! And me, showing my "culinary skills" while Amelia naps....

Monday, November 16, 2009
I have what Mommy calls...bangs...
Mommy went to see her old friend Salina to get her hair all pretty before Salina left for a few weeks to have her third baby, so I tagged along because Salina had heard all about me but never met me. I've been growing these bangs, but they were unruly and in my eyes all of the time. So Mommy and Salina tried to get me to sit on a boasted seat on the chair, but I was not having it. Mommy held me and Salina gave me a "side swept" look for my bangs. I like them a lot better now that they're not in my eyes and they look pretty. Mommy wouldn't let Salina touch the rest of my hair. And...mommy didn't cry!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Conversations with Nana....
Conversations with Nana from Megan Glynn on Vimeo.
I love that the conversation doesn't break her concentration. She's still able to mutli-task!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Surprise packages....
Mommy was so happy to see we got a package today, and it wasn't some type of bill. (although bills don't come in packages, it was just mail that wasn't a bill!) We got inside and opened it, and I noticed something wrapped in pretty Christmas paper. Mommy said it was for me, but wasn't sure if I could open it. A quick call to Montana Nana (the sender of the package) and we found out I got to open it! I tore it open and this is what I found....

Now this is a Glynn family tradition. Montana Nana can whip these out in like 10 minutes, and when mommy got her first pair while her and daddy were dating, she knew she had "made it into the family". We all have plenty of pairs, and these sure keep my feeties warm. It came with a cute hat too, but I wouldn't sit still long enough for mommy to get pictures of that. She'll have to try later. I love getting mail....
Now this is a Glynn family tradition. Montana Nana can whip these out in like 10 minutes, and when mommy got her first pair while her and daddy were dating, she knew she had "made it into the family". We all have plenty of pairs, and these sure keep my feeties warm. It came with a cute hat too, but I wouldn't sit still long enough for mommy to get pictures of that. She'll have to try later. I love getting mail....
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