Sunday, June 13, 2010

Today is the day....

Today is the day, my parenting abilities were TESTED...

Today is the day, I had to put MYSELF in time out....

Today is the day, I knew my mom was getting HER revenge for when I was this age.

Today is the day, I yelled...and realized I sounded just LIKE my mother.

Today is the day, Amelia spent MORE time in time out then she ever has.

Today is the day, I thought seriously about Amelia being an ONLY child.

Today is the day, I counted the MINUTES until nap/bedtime.

Today is the day, I VOLUNTEERED to make dinner, so I could "escape".

Today is the day, I wanted to run AWAY.

Today is the day, I sounded like a BROKEN record.

Today is the day, my daughter acted like a 2 1/2 year old and I JUST...WASN'T...READY.

1 comment:

Anne said...

Wait... I'm having a vision. MY daughter is 2 1/2. I am almost seven months pregnant with child #2. MY 2 1/2 year old daughter would rather run around all day in a soggy diaper than take the time to use the potty. BUT! I will not have two children in diapers. No way. So, long story short, we embarked on THE day to potty train. After numerous (unsuccessful) runs to the bathroom, MY 2 1/2 year old daughter floods the kitchen floor with an "uh oh." I yelled so loud I peed my pants. I know all about being tested by a 2 1/2 year old daughter........