Friday, December 25, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Pictures, as requested.
Some tree and decorations in the Glynn family home!

Amelia's first home made ornament!

Our newest edition! My bunco win!

Amelia puts the cast of Frosty "the bed" every night in her new wagon. This is how Nick and I find them before we go to bed.

This is my favorite. I've had this since I was born and my mom passed it onto me and Nick and I moved into together. I love it.
Amelia's first home made ornament!
Our newest edition! My bunco win!
Amelia puts the cast of Frosty "the bed" every night in her new wagon. This is how Nick and I find them before we go to bed.
This is my favorite. I've had this since I was born and my mom passed it onto me and Nick and I moved into together. I love it.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Amelia sings "Frosty the Snowman" and gives her family shout outs!
It's a little long, but hang in there, it's adorable and worth it! :)
Amelia sings Frosty the Snowman, and shout outs to the family! from Megan Glynn on Vimeo.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
First day at day care, aka Mommy's back to work!
With me returning to work, Nick and I did some interviewing and found the perfect place for Amels. She only goes to daycare with 3 other kids, all her age. Ethan is 3, Payton is 2 and Isabella (aka Baby Bella or Bella Bella) is 1. She's learning to write letters and do crafts every day. Today was only her second day, and daddy had to carry her out to leave. She's having so much fun, and it's making it easier on me!
Tina, her daycare provider, sends home report cards every day showing what she ate, what she did, how much she slept (or didn't sleep) and little notes about her day. I love these because when I worked before, I would pick her up and daddy would drop her off. Now it's reversed and I drop her off and daddy picks her up. So I get to see about her day with the report cards (plus with all my NEW freedom at work, I'm able to call and see how she am). I found the first report card "adorable" and wanted to share.
Tina's 2 main comments were that she "loves that she says snackie" and "Amelia is quite the little singer! She LOVED our Christmas carols, sang her heart out and danced. She is sooo cute." I love that she was so comfortable that she sang her little heart out. She talked all about Bella Bella all night and just walked right off this morning. I love seeing her so independent and am glad she's getting to play with little ones her age again. She's going to learn so much and don't have an ounce of doubt of who we chose. I actually didn't cry when I've left her the past 2 days!
On another note, I won't elaborate on my job but I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I love the freedom, I love the atmosphere, and I just know I'm going to succesed. Oh, and my second day (where I still haven't learned SO much), I made my first sale. Here I come world :)...well not world, but Oregon City!
Tina, her daycare provider, sends home report cards every day showing what she ate, what she did, how much she slept (or didn't sleep) and little notes about her day. I love these because when I worked before, I would pick her up and daddy would drop her off. Now it's reversed and I drop her off and daddy picks her up. So I get to see about her day with the report cards (plus with all my NEW freedom at work, I'm able to call and see how she am). I found the first report card "adorable" and wanted to share.
Tina's 2 main comments were that she "loves that she says snackie" and "Amelia is quite the little singer! She LOVED our Christmas carols, sang her heart out and danced. She is sooo cute." I love that she was so comfortable that she sang her little heart out. She talked all about Bella Bella all night and just walked right off this morning. I love seeing her so independent and am glad she's getting to play with little ones her age again. She's going to learn so much and don't have an ounce of doubt of who we chose. I actually didn't cry when I've left her the past 2 days!
On another note, I won't elaborate on my job but I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I love the freedom, I love the atmosphere, and I just know I'm going to succesed. Oh, and my second day (where I still haven't learned SO much), I made my first sale. Here I come world :)...well not world, but Oregon City!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Amelia J at 2 years old.
Amelia had her dreaded 2 year check up today and while we thought we'd only be getting one shot, we walked out with 4, and having to go back 3 weeks for an additional booster. Yuck. She did display an impressive tantrum, this avoiding me having to share with the dr. we're in the terrible 2's. (crying, throwing ourselves on the floor, it was probably a top 5). I dislike that now that she talks and talks and talks, she can tell me they hurt. 2 in each leg, so the second leg bled pretty bad and since she'll point at it and in the most pathetic voice go "hurts mommmy". Mommy eats is up and takes all the snuggle time she needs. Although since the traumatic event little one has been sleeping (probably thanks to post shot Tylenol to help with "hurting") but her stats are amazing, and as follows:
Weight=25.6 pounds (mommy thought heavier!) 40% percentile but not worried because of her height
Height=35 1/2 in. (that's 3 feet people!) 90% percentile
Her head circumference never mattered to me, even though they wrote it down. So she's on the same trend she's been on since she was born, growin like a weed. Tonight we're supposed to be interviewing a daycare provider, but we'll judge how she's feeling when she wakes up and go from there. Can't get a good sense if they're a good "fit" unless she's feelin good!
Weight=25.6 pounds (mommy thought heavier!) 40% percentile but not worried because of her height
Height=35 1/2 in. (that's 3 feet people!) 90% percentile
Her head circumference never mattered to me, even though they wrote it down. So she's on the same trend she's been on since she was born, growin like a weed. Tonight we're supposed to be interviewing a daycare provider, but we'll judge how she's feeling when she wakes up and go from there. Can't get a good sense if they're a good "fit" unless she's feelin good!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Today...mommy got emotional.
4 hours, and 33 minutes, 2 years ago, I was "officailly" made a mommy. These past 2 years have been the most trying and rewarding of my life. While I want to write all about your accomplishments, it's late and we had one heck of a birthday party today. Mommy did so much planning to make it perfect for you and she thinks she did a pretty good job. A post will follow tomorrow, with pictures, I promise. But as you are sleeping so peacefully right now in your new big girl bed set, Mommy has a date with her pillow as well. Mommy loves you Miss Amels, and I couldn't be any more blessed to hear you say that to me every day I wake up :)
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Finally...a "floor will you please swallow me" mommy moment...
Yes, it happened to me. Hi my name is Megan..."HIiiii Megan". Amelia and I went to the Party Store to get some of her party supplies for next week. I figured this would need to be an in/out trip to avoid us walking out with more then we needed. I got Elmo cupcake holders for her cupcake cake and let her be in charge. Somehow, something was said, and ELMO CAKE was born...I let her hold the cupcake holders in the backseat as she jabbered away about elmo cake. Fast forward to the pit stop we had to make at Target. I have to take the cupcake holders away from her and this didnt go over well. Literally 7 min. through the store..."ELMO CAAAAAAAAAAAAKE". As if she would fall out of the cart and die if I didn't get her Elmo cake. People were staring, I was begging for the floor to swallow me. We then get to the food section because I feel if I make a damn cake she wouldn't know any different. She didn't want to hold the box...remember? ELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLMO CAKKKKKKKKE. So I'm thinking "animal crackers". She'll have her own little box and something in her mouth to distract the screaming, which I'm sure someone is on the phone with CSD at this point. Disaster strikes...I CANT FIND THE DAMN ANIMAL CRACKER BOXES. They're usually on end caps, can't find them. I find a store worker, who was having a bad day and asked where the animal crackers were. "down there with the rest of the crackers"...No shit I practically run down there and look frantically for the little boxes of heaven I know I need. ELMO CAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE. COOOOOOOOOOOKIES. I can't find them. I find the big, resealable bags instead. I grab one, tear the top off with my teeth and said "enjoy lunch Amelia." Animal cracker lunch it was...cake was made and ELMO CAKE hasn't been mentioned again....
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
As requested....
It's not the greatest, can't get the kid to smile when I want. So one picture is just blurry, and cute of her curls and the other you can kind of see the "side swept" bangs. Lastly, a picture of my new hair! You can't see it in the curls, but it's dark in there! I LOVE it! And me, showing my "culinary skills" while Amelia naps....

Monday, November 16, 2009
I have what Mommy calls...bangs...
Mommy went to see her old friend Salina to get her hair all pretty before Salina left for a few weeks to have her third baby, so I tagged along because Salina had heard all about me but never met me. I've been growing these bangs, but they were unruly and in my eyes all of the time. So Mommy and Salina tried to get me to sit on a boasted seat on the chair, but I was not having it. Mommy held me and Salina gave me a "side swept" look for my bangs. I like them a lot better now that they're not in my eyes and they look pretty. Mommy wouldn't let Salina touch the rest of my hair. And...mommy didn't cry!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Conversations with Nana....
Conversations with Nana from Megan Glynn on Vimeo.
I love that the conversation doesn't break her concentration. She's still able to mutli-task!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Surprise packages....
Mommy was so happy to see we got a package today, and it wasn't some type of bill. (although bills don't come in packages, it was just mail that wasn't a bill!) We got inside and opened it, and I noticed something wrapped in pretty Christmas paper. Mommy said it was for me, but wasn't sure if I could open it. A quick call to Montana Nana (the sender of the package) and we found out I got to open it! I tore it open and this is what I found....

Now this is a Glynn family tradition. Montana Nana can whip these out in like 10 minutes, and when mommy got her first pair while her and daddy were dating, she knew she had "made it into the family". We all have plenty of pairs, and these sure keep my feeties warm. It came with a cute hat too, but I wouldn't sit still long enough for mommy to get pictures of that. She'll have to try later. I love getting mail....
Now this is a Glynn family tradition. Montana Nana can whip these out in like 10 minutes, and when mommy got her first pair while her and daddy were dating, she knew she had "made it into the family". We all have plenty of pairs, and these sure keep my feeties warm. It came with a cute hat too, but I wouldn't sit still long enough for mommy to get pictures of that. She'll have to try later. I love getting mail....
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
23 months of happiness.....

This is what you've given us, my dear Amelia. This time, 23 months ago, I was getting my epidural! We had been in the hospital for about 2 hours and made the calls that IT'S TIME. Although, by now we were making a second call saying IT'S COMING QUICKER THEN WE THOUGHT! And maybe Nana should just get coffee at the hospital instead of her fav. coffee place, in Gresham. (45 min. away). The epidural slowed that down.
You continue to grow, both physically and mentally, at an astounding rate to me. Since mommy has been staying home, she see's the changes daily. Your use of words, and putting them into sentences, is growing daily. You're starting to copy mommy and daddy more if we say a word you're curious about. Or now you ask that favorite question "what's that?" I'm always happy to hear that, knowing you're looking for answers about the world around you! You talk all the time (even in your sleep!) and I have no idea where you get that! You always have something to say to someone!
You still love to sing, dance and run. You run a lot! You'll stand at a place in the living room and shout "READY, GO" and run as fast as you can. Mommy is sure there will be either dancing classes, or singing classes (maybe both?) in your future! You've also discovered "prettys" this month. Mommy has painted your nails a couple of times, but thinks we'll wait a little longer to do it again. You get so excited you forget that something is on your fingers! Mommy even tried the "instant" dry nail polish, which seemed to work ok. You are so proud when it's on your nails, showing daddy when he gets home. The girly girl is showing!
You're growing so tall. Mommy's interested in seeing your "stats" at your 2 year apt. with Dr. Culver next month. You're in a 2T, some 24 month shirts are working out. You take a more "active" roll in dressing yourself in the morning. You know your socks, try to put on your shoes, and will tell me whatever is on your shirt (we're close to Halloween, so I get CAT a lot). I'm happy to see that 2T clothes are still adorable and I have a feeling after your birthday next month, you'll be set clothes wise. We were able to have you get into a 24 month dress that your Aunt Christie got you a while ago that every one just LOVES one last time for Cousin Henry's 2nd birthday. We had fun at his party, leaving daddy home because of a case of shingles. (and a great week for daddy to get them, mommy had surgery 2 days after Henry's birthday). You liked, and shared, his toys quite well and also met your Uncle Darren's side of the family, including 3 year old Gavin. You faired quite well with 2 boys! But you were quite the little lady in your dress, with your brown fancy jacket and hair with curls on the end. Ah, the curls. I WILL NOT and have not touched your hair, and don't plan on it! It's getting so long and has the most adorable curls on the end, it can go up in a full pony tail now! You still don't sit still much for mommy to do anything with your hair, so I have to work fast to try to get it set. Mommy has managed a couple of braids a time or 2.
This past month we also accomplished transitioning you into a big girl bed! Mommy and daddy have been so proud with how well you took this. Nana got you, and mommy picked out, what's called a "life time crib" before you were born. This made it so that we didn't have to buy a new bed, we just got a guard rail for your crib. So you got to keep the same mattress, and we just took off the "foot board" of the crib. After this you'll get a daybed, where the guard rail comes off, and then a twin bed. Mommy will defiantly be buying another one of these, in the future :) Nap time has been a challenge, as you realize your new found freedom since it's light out. Mommy thought she did a pretty good job at keeping things in drawers, then realized you knew how to open the drawers and didn't tell me! One nap, it was too quiet upstairs so mommy went upstairs to check on you. You were covered in ink, your sheets were covered in ink, your bed had ink on it, it was "a mess" you told me when I opened the door. I had to just put you in the tub to get it out of your hair and off of your face! Mommy also had to mumble some not so great words under her breath as she cleaned your bed off before daddy got home from work so he wouldn't see. The first couple of nights were hard. We would have to go in and reassure you that the big girl bed was yours and a good thing! You look so adorable and grown up when you finally fall asleep. You're still surrounded by your stuffed animal friends, which makes it look crowded but I think it makes you feel safer. Now you're so good at it, you just climb right in at night. We are proud of you little's!
Mommy let potty training go as you haven't shown much interest, but is vowing to pick it back up. You know what it is, we just have to work at it. We can't wait for the day of not buying diapers! It will be as great as the day we stopped buying formula! You've also become a picky eater, much to your daddy's dismay. Things you used to love you don't even want to try anymore! I've read this is a "stage" and I hope so!
Halloween is Sat. and your outfit is a no-brainer. You'll be a Ducks cheerleader. Mommy and daddy will actually be at a big ducks game so you'll be at Nana's. She's going to take you to a couple of houses near her and we know you'll have fun. We're looking forward to Halloween next year, when you'll understand it more and actually be able to eat the candy! Daddy introduced you to "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" and "Garfields Halloween", both of which we have in boxed DVD's. Love the classics! We decorated much more this year then last, due to daycare not being here. Daddy got to set up his Spookytown village. We have been collections and getting village pieces as gifts and didn't realize how big the village has become! We put it together while you were at Nana and Sampa's, and when you came home we got a lot of "wooooooow's". Every day when we come downstairs in the morning you say "WOW" like it's the first time you've seen it. You've been so good about not playing with the pieces and just light up when we turn it on for you at night with all the lights off. You seem to enjoy the decorations we put up, so now we can't wait for Christmas, knowing how much more you appreciate it as you get older. I can't WAIT to set up our Christmas stuff, we have a lot!
We are very excited for your birthday next month, 2 days after Thanksgiving. Mommy hand made your invites, and we're going with your favorite right now, Elmo. Mommy worked really hard on the invites and is very proud of herself! Daddy and mommy are both very excited for what we're getting you, but you'll have to wait for that! You just keep asking your questions and dancing away! We love you!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
It's beginning to look like the Halloween is coming!
Get the flash player here:
Monday, October 5, 2009
So either no one reads...or no one guessed....
Amelia's previous picture? What's on her face? Ink, people. Ink....
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Nap time gone wrong.
Day 2 of nap time in the "big girl" bed was what I expected, sort of. I expected Amelia not going down right away. I expected to hear stuffed animals being told stories over the monitor. I expected to hear something drop to the floor. (not the child). While 2 hours in, and still no crying or screaming, I'm accepting this as "down time". At hour 3, I decide it's gotten all too quiet and I should go check. Moms have warned us, when it's too quiet it's not a good thing. I learned this today. I went to check on my "angel" of a child and found this:
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
My first HOME MADE pie....
While I've made the classic Red Betty Crocker cookbook pumpkin pie in the past, I decided to take a different route and make a home made pie. What kind you ask? Pumpkin. As per the previous post, you can see we not only have a couple of pumpkins in my back yard, we have close to a pumpkin patch. So I decided to take on the task of carving one up to make pie. While carving, saving the seeds, and boiling the pumpkin took 2 hours, the crust went pretty easy (it's something I'm still working on). After cooking it/winging it, it turned out AMAZING! I can never imagine going back to canned pumpkin again. Thank God we have enough pumpkin to freeze for pies to come! I had to take a picture of my pride and joy!
Well, we survived!
My first night in a big girl bed was a little rough. I was not sure what to think of this new bed. Well, it's not new, per say. I have what's called a "life time" crib. It turns from a crib, to a toddler bed with a guard rail (what I have now), a day bed and then a twin bed. Pretty cool! Daddy put up the guard rail last night and mommy only had to come in and reassure me about 5 times. A couple of times I just stood on the outside of my big girl bed and cried. Mommy rocked me to sleep and I liked that. I then slept from 9:30pm-4am, where it took 2 more times to put me to sleep. Right now mommy can hear me on the monitor not in my bed. hehe. I know it's a big change, and mommy said she is looking for something called a comforter for my bed. I like new stuff! Mommy took pictures of my big girl before I was in it, and when I finally fell back asleep. Nap time today has proven to be hard for me, as I just want to explore my room. Mommy just left me laying here with all my friends around, but I'm not sure if I want to sleep or not. Let's hope so, for mommy's sake!

Checking out my big girl bed!

My big girl bed needs a comforter!

Checking out my big girl bed!
My big girl bed needs a comforter!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Happy 22nd month baby!
**edits at bottom
My darling Amelia-
You have brought nothing but sunshine into mine and your daddy's life. Every day you grow more and more before our eyes and it amazes me. You put more words together into sentences, you love to dance, and most importantly, love to sing. You sing all the time, to the point where you request certain songs in the car. "La,la,la"? That would be you requesting a Britney Spears song. What's a mom to do but turn on a semi inappropriate song and let her daughter just go for it! You sing to me, the dog, daddy, yourself. The same goes for your reading. You love books. You will read to the dog, or me, yourself, or any stuffed animal available to listen.
You love to color, which we do every day. You sing while you draw. We tried finger paints, we'll wait on those. We try hard to have play dates so that you get more social interaction since it's just you and me. Which isn't a bad thing, but we need you playing with people your age! Mommy is looking into a tumbling class of some sort to not only burn some of your never ending energy, but also to make new friends.
We also have started time outs. You have learned you get a couple of chances at doing what you're not supposed to, then you go to time out. Sometimes you put yourself there! But there is always screaming and flailing involved. If I put you in time out and daddy is home, you'll hear "daaaaddy" from your time out spot. No Amelia, daddy will not save you. Or he'd better not...
We took you to the state fair for the first time. You have a love for "moo's", cows....and "nee's", horses. And piggies, of course. We thought it would be fun for you to see all of your favorite animals up close and personal. You wanted nothing to do with it. For now, I think we'll keep your love for them at a safe distance, as they were so big and actually moved! We tried to get you to pet the goats, but even they bothered you. Mommy also wanted to get you on the carousel, for a great photo op. but your poor little head didn't reach the line. No worries though. With the way you jump around this place, you'll be on the big kid rides screaming with the best of them in no time!
Daddy has introduced you to "deeeep". Translation: dip. Now, you feel you have to dip EVERYTHING in deeep. A graham cracker? DEEEP. Cereal? DEEEP. Yogart (which is a dip IMO)...DEEEPP. And then when you are given something that actually could require dip, say chicken nuggets, it's not enough DEEEP. I look over and you are scooping your DEEEP into your mouth, with your hand as the shovel. Thanks daddy, love ya for that.
We took our first bonafide long road trip with you when we went to Montana for Labor Day weekend. It was a short 4 days, but you did amazing. We left Thursday night and got lucky with your sleeping most of the night through. You woke up when the sun came up, just about an hour outside of Missoula. We sang in the car, you slept most of the way, and got to meet so much of your extended family that you had never met. We got to meet your cousin Mavrick, who was born the day before your daddy and I got married, for the first time. You met 2 aunts, and uncle, 4 boy cousins and 1 girl cousin. (the only other girl in the family!) You LOVED being able to run on all of the property and the attention you got. You are one loved little girl. Mommy almost had heart failure during a famous Montana thunder/lightening storm, you slept right through. You found, and were bothered by, "Norman", the deer head hanging from the stairwell. You would back up against the kitchen cabinets and just talk to him but not take your eyes off of him. It was adorable. The car ride home, since it was during the day, was long for all of us, but overall we had an amazing, yet too short, or a trip. It was a tad last minute but well worth it.
You met your first live "baby" (since you have one you play with), Miss Annie who was 5 weeks old. I was amazed at how instantly gentle you were with her. Everywhere she went, you went, concerned of how she was. When she slept, you would look at me or Kelly (Annie's mom) and say "shh baby sleeping" if we were talking too loud. It def. gave me a twinge of that baby feeling.
We're trying the big girl bed. We went to set it up yesterday, in celebration of today, but when we opened the box for your conversion kit it was broken. I think I was more heartbroken then anyone else. You have what they call a "life time" crib, so we don't have to buy you a new bed. We just take off what will be your foot board later on and place a guard rail up. After that, you go to a daybed, and then the full bed. Mommy can't believe how big and independent you've gotten. Daddy looked at me the other day and said "I can't believe how big she is".
We have you rooting for the right team. You walk around in your cheer leading outfit that daddy got you and say "Go Duckie", fist pumping in the air. Yes, Duckie. Just make sure when you try out for the real cheer leading team (hello scholarship!) you say duck honey.
With your second birthday upcoming, mommy is hand making your invites, but we have yet to decide on a theme. You love Handy Manny, Pooh, and of course Elmo. We'll see how creative mommy gets! Mommy keeps thinking: 2 leads to 3, leads to's amazing.
I've enjoyed every minute of being able to stay home with you and while at times it's a challenge, it's forced mommy to get more creative and I have to admit. When you call my name over the monitor at night (or in the morning) instead of daddies, a smile creeps on my face. You can always call me baby, I'll be there :)
We love you Miss Amels, and we promise to keep promoting you being you!
** Mommy wrote this late last night and since the coffee has now kicked in, realizes some things she forgot! Your favorite phrases. "OH no"-in very dramatic form. "It's a mess"...even though you don't mind being messy, you just need to let us know you have a mess goin on. "Thank you Baby". My personal favorite. Not just thank you, but you're so adorable you have to add the "baby" onto the end, and you'll say it to anyone.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
The Glynn family pumpkin some other goodies.
Since we have an overflow of pumpkins, fresh pumpkin pie is on tap for tomorrow, and pumpkin creme brule later this week (need to get the culinary torch first!). My neighbors have already come over and picked one...we're open by apt. only :)
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
We're home...
And we had a lot of fun. Lots of pictures were taken and stories to tell...but it's been an emotional start to this week. So mommy is going to wait. Today we had to put down Joey, Nana's Golden Retriever. Mommy cried a lot, so she'll post in the next couple of days after I get over this cough.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
And we're off....
To Montana that is! A somewhat impromptu mini-vacation to see the in-laws. Miss Amels will be meeting 2 Aunts, an uncle, 4 boy cousins and 1 girl cousin. She'll also being seeing Grandma and Grandpa for the first time in a year and a half (they last saw her when she was 6 months old!) We're driving overnight for the first time (for me at least!) in the hopes that Miss Amels will sleep through the night. Oh yeah, and we're taking the the and I'm sure many stories to follow!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
It's happend.....
I'm late with this, but 2 nights ago I was sitting on the couch trying to eat dinner (pour judgment and a bad example I know, but it was take out and was fitting I ate it on the couch). My darling daughter was climbing all over me as she is the biggest mooch I've ever met. Tired of being a jungle gym for the day, I muttered UNDER MY BREATH...a certain 4 letter word (that doesn't start with the letter S) Then, just as I had done, with teeth clenched and all, that fabulous 4 letter word was repeated right back to me. I looked over at Nick, who's eyes were as wide as saucers. Now I'll have to REALLY start watching what I say, damnit.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
A budding artist?
We finally got the easel out the other day and mommy forgot she didn't have any paper to go with it! So we ran to the store, got some cool markers, and mommy let me draw all over the easel, and myself. I took it very seriously, but had fun too! I think I might like this drawing thing!

Having a nice long conversation with someone, NOT J. Low.
Having a nice long conversation with someone, NOT J. Low.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
A trip to what will be my future school.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
My "baby" turns 20 months.

It's hard to believe, but it's true. 20 months. Was I not pregnant yesterday? I wonder when the counting of months disappears, and she can just be "a year and a half" or something to that affect.
My darling daughter, you are showing clear signs of not only being like your mother (although still looking like a carbon copy of your father) but the terrible 2's. Mommy and daddy have to turn away from laughing at you when you throw one of your famous tantrums. We get the throwing ourselves on the ground, kicking and screaming, face turning red. You pout when you dont' get what you want. We started time outs this week, and I think you are quickly getting the concept of them and that they aren't fun. It's funny, but not. You eat almost anything, although are starting to show signs of being picky. You let us know when you're done, and as of late, you'll eat ANYTHING with ranch on it.
Your vocabulary amazes me daily. You're starting to put more sentences together, which is so cool to hear. A lot of times daddy and I will look at each other and say "did she really just say that?" We get "moe"=more. LOTS of mommy and daddys. Puppys. Tree's. Pool. "Get to go to the pool?" Manny manny=Handy Manny, your fav. show. A cow is not a cow, but a moo moo. We can't get you to say cow to save our lives. Melmo, whom you love. You sing, all the time. That's one of my favorite parts of the day, hearing you sing with your toys. You read, both to me, daddy or to the dog. He's a good listener. You love to be read to. Mommy taught you how to clap when the daily double appears on Jeopordy. Grandpa would be so proud. You impress everyone with your "hi's" and "bye's". You will greet, or dismiss, anyone at anytime. Because daddy and I usually follow up with "hi baby", a lot of your phrases end in baby. "thank you baby" "what's up baby." You would think we let you watch the movie Swingers one too many times.
You run, not walk, and take pride in your independance. You run into things, fall, and your legs are usually bruised. Aw the joys of childhood. You are going to be an active one, and mommy made mention to daddy the other night of finding some type of dance or tumbling class in the fall for you to not only enjoy, but expel some energy!
We are also beginning potty training, kind of. You know what it is, you say it, but have no interest in it. So we don't push it. But my dear daughter, the day I don't have to buy diapers is a day I will buy myself a drink!
Recently mommy has been able to stay home with you and it is one of the most rewarding, and exhausting things I've done. I love being able to play with you all the time, and we're working on our ABC's and 1 2 3's. We color and cook on your stove. You are now are wanting mommy more, which is making daddy jealous. (mommy secretly loves it). But, you'll always be daddy's girl!
We just love you to pieces littles and are so proud of how grown up you're becoming and having so much fun watching you learn and grow. You're the best thing we've ever done.
My first trip to the zoo.

Aunt Christie was nice enough to call mommy to see if we wanted to meet her and cousin Henry at the zoo. I haven't been, but cousin Henry has been lots so he was a great tour guide. I saw some cool animals, and got to eat a yummy snack on the lawn where I ran around. Mommy, and Aunt Christie, took pictures. I didn't get to see all the animals, so mommy said we'll be going back very soon!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
4th of July fun!
Cousin Henry and Amelia's tribute to Michael Jackson.
Amelia and Cousin Henry's tribute to Michael Jackson from Megan Glynn on Vimeo.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Happy 19 months on this earth baby!
Mommy's a day late, but she said she had a really bad migraine yesterday and she didn't look too good, so I forgive her. She did come outside with me and play for a bit in on my playset. It was fun. I'm talking more, reading more, and defiantly singing more. Mommy keeps saying she's proud. I just know it's going to get worse....Happy 19 months baby girl. You make me and daddy laugh every day, your smile is contagious and your singing voice is beautiful. You are the best thing we ever did, and will continue to enjoy the smiles you give us every day. We love you Miss Amels.

Saturday, June 27, 2009
Our very first edible harvest from the Glynn family garden!
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